Friday, 24 February 2012

The Wardrobe Ensemble, Guest Blog.

We've passed over our blog to The Wardrobe Ensemble who are performing at HfC in our Assembly room next month...

Hi there!

We are on the train back from Norwich riding on the buzz of performing our first show of RIOT on our 2012 tour! We are so happy with how the show went and the audience were really receptive and a joy to perform to. We were apprehensive with it being our first show, but The Garage completely put us at ease and the venue was perfect for our mayhem. 

RIOT started to be devised over a year ago and has been performed over 50 times, however for some of the new cast members this was their first ever performance to a live audience so it was a really special experience and we left wanting to do it all over again!

A massive thank you to our technician Claire, sorry we mean Kate, who deserved every word of our preshow serenade. After performing in Edinburgh Fringe for a month, traveling across the country for one performance is a surreal experience but after today we know it's one we will thoroughly enjoy! We are back to normality for one week only before hitting the road to  Cornwall... Let's hope it's as sunny as Norwich! Can't wait to have a longer run, we might even be able to see some of the sights and make some friends!

See you at a theatre near you,

The Wardrobe Ensemble

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