Monday, 13 December 2010

It's Panto Time! (Oh, yes it is!)

Hall for Cornwall’s pantomime, Sleeping Beauty is now well underway.  It’s a particularly special time of year for everyone who works at Hall for Cornwall because we see so many family groups.  Pantomime is often the first exposure to theatre for children and it certainly delivers!  Baddies you can boo, outrageous and funny characters, music, dance, colour and a happy ending. What more could you want?
This year we have plenty to keep everyone happy.  Of course, the Princess falls in love, and marries, her handsome Prince, but we also have the very talented double act of Richard Allen (Nurse Maivis) and Tweedy (pretty much playing Tweedy!) providing lots of laughs.
You couldn’t really wish for a nastier Carabosse then Julie Hobbs who manages to be utterly evil without being so scary the children will get upset!  With Cameron and Clegg, her “boys” she seeks to gain Beauty’s grace and good-looks for herself but she is consistently out manoeuvred by Fairy Crystal (Mary Woodvine) who is always one step ahead.
And if all those aren’t enough, there’s even a frog and a dragon!  Sleeping Beauty runs until January 3rd 2011.  There are a variety of show times during the run to suit all diaries and bed-times!

1 comment:

Mary and Family said...

Thank you, what a great night, loads of fun and we laughed all night.
Mary and family