Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Scripts pouring into HfC this week!

Hall for Cornwall has been inundated with scripts at the culmination of a year long writing project in Cornwall. “Anyone Can Write” was an initiative organised by HfC to encourage people from around the county to write their first piece of drama for the stage.

The scope of the project has been very great, reaching youth workers, community groups, students, and the WI. Each writing hub or group has had the support of a professional writer to assist them with the creative process as well as the support of their fellow participants. 

As the project draws to a close, completed scripts have been flooding into Hall for Cornwall’s offices with just over 40 scripts received at the time of writing. Hall for Cornwall’s Community and Education team have been delighted with the number of script submissions and are looking forward to working through all of this fresh material. All scripts will be reviewed by a panel of script readers and each writer will receive some useful feedback on their work to encourage further writing.

The four or five scripts that are considered to be the best of the project will be handed to a small cast of professional actors and will be staged as an evening of Cornish short plays at Hall for Cornwall on Tuesday 4th May. The evening promises to offer a variety of topics and themes as a new crop of Cornish writers will see their work come to life on the stage.

“Anyone Can Write” received support from FEAST and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. Tickets for the performance are available from Hall for Cornwall now.

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