Monday, 14 December 2009

Professional makeover for Dame Trott!

"Some people think you're scary..." goes one of the lines in a song about our pantomime dame this year.  Actually, she's not as bad as some I've come across - and played opposite - but its certainly fair to say that where makeup is concerned Dame Trott does not subscribe to the "less is more" school of beautification!

This is understandable in many ways as when you see her choice of wardrobe, not to mention hair dye palette, "understated" is not a word in her vocabulary.  Perhaps this is why Jack and Simon's father "whoever he is" ran away?  Or perhaps it was her cavalier approach to post-milking and mucking-out hygeine. Whatever the cause, the lovely people at Debenhams in Truro offered to help her out with a professional makeover this morning!

Catherine drew the very short straw of turning our Dame into a Belle and though it was a challenge calculated to test the most professional of beauticians, it's fair to say that she did an excellent job!  After some initial skepticism, Dame Trott herself seemed well pleased.

Whether this new, chic look is kept or whether she reverts to her old habits remains to be seen - you'll have to come and see the panto!

Pictures from top: (Original style, makeover x2, not too sure, final result!)

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