Thursday, 29 December 2011

Fairy Pacifica

We've been catching up with our panto cast asking them the questions you probably didn't need to know the answers to but may still enjoy reading.

Fairy Pacifica turned out to be another excellent drawer, but what else would you expect from someone that's been on Art Attack!

Q: Who's the naughtiest in rehearsals? 
A: The director! 

Q: If you created your own pasty what flavour would it be? 
A: Strawberry's and Clotted Cream 

Q: If you were stranded on a dessert island what's the one thing you could't live without? - spot the deliberate (ish) mistake.
A: Fairy cakes and meringues

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island whats the one thing you could't live without?
A: My Shadow

If you've got a question for our cast drop us an email -

Monday, 12 December 2011

Guest Blogger - Tony Berry

It is my unyielding attachment to live theatre in all its many forms that first lured me to Hall for Cornwall and its hugely diverse programme of activities. From there it was but a short and painless step into becoming a patron as soon as this happy band of supporters came into being.

It was a bargain too good to refuse. It offers involvement, provides “ownership” and gives a sense of helping the local arts scene, no matter what one’s preference, to survive and thrive.

My thinking was simple: a community devoid of the arts is culturally impoverished and emotionally deprived. We need music, dance, art and drama as much as we need rugby, soccer, the Olympics, food, wine and a walk with the dog to provide a balance to the pressures and stress of daily life.

But the arts – like those other distractions‒cannot survive in a vacuum. There is a considerable cost incurred to mount the simplest of shows. As government funds dwindle and once-wealthy philanthropists feel the pinch, the financial net has to be cast wider afield.

If we want to continue enjoying the unique brand of stimulus only live theatre can provide – and at the increasingly high level seen at HfC – we have to do more than buy a ticket then sit back and applaud. We need to contribute more than this. Even just a little bit more.

To become a supporter costs a mere £27.50 a year. That’s not even 53 pence a week – a quarter the price of a cup of coffee.

Not only do you help HfC prosper and develop, but also there are benefits received at all levels of membership. It deserves a standing ovation.

For more info on membership click HERE

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Cap'n Jackie Q&A

We've been catching up with our panto cast asking them the questions you probably didn't need to know the answers to but may still enjoy reading.

Cap'n Jackie Killigrew turned out to be a surprisingly talented artist. 

Q: Who's the naughtiest in rehearsals? 
A: Tweedy! 

Q: If you created your own pasty what flavour would it be? 
A: Minced beef, garlic, rum & mushrooms.

Q: If you were stranded on a dessert island what's the one thing you could't live without? - spot the deliberate (ish) mistake.
A: Custard tarts.

Q: If you were stranded on a desert island whats the one thing you could't live without?
A: Sleep

If you've got a question for our cast drop us an email -